Coalition on Family Farming & On Strengthening Actions in Support of the UN Decade of Family Farming
The UN Decade of Family Farming proved to be a successful framework for developing public policies and investments to holistically support family farmers and unleash their transformative potential to achieving the SDGs. However, an additional commitment and joint action is needed in order to scale up the implementation and to overcome the structural challenges of food systems. The Coalition on Family Farming (CFF) promotes a renewed effort towards the development and effective implementation of policies, strategies, programmes and investment aimed at overcoming the structural barriers faced by family farmers and that hamper the full display of their transformative potential.
Thematic Areas: Halting Deforestation & Conversion from Agricultural Commodities, Nature-Positive Innovation, Family Farming
Leading Entities:
Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Spain, Switzerland, World Rural Forum (WRF)
Member Countries
Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Philippines, Spain, Switzerland
Other Members
World Rural Forum (WRF)