Country diagnostics and regional workshops


UNIDO: Strengthening resilience and value addition of local agri-food systems and value chains

Category: Food Systems Governance

Key feature of this offer: Technical assistance for smallholder farmers

Supporting organization: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

  • Type of organization: UN system
  • Geographic scope of work of the organization: International



This technical assistance offer aims at boosting sustainable production and productivity of smallholder farmers and agri-SMEs, promoting agri-based and off-farm livelihoods diversification, access to market and financial services, improved dietary diversity and consumption of safe and nutritious food, as well as enabling a nutrition-sensitive institutional and policy environment. By adopting this whole food system approach, these interventions contribute to reducing levels of poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition. UNIDO develops technical support with partner countries based on their specific needs and requests for assistance. Technical assistance is provided through a wide range of services and capacity-building activities, including training, coaching and provision of technical equipment and infrastructure.

UNIDO Strengthening resilience and value addition of local agri-food systems

What this service offers

  • Workshop assistance
  • Technical expert assistance locally delivered
  • Technical assistance grants

Where this has worked

This service was already internationally delivered, with special regard to Sub-Saharan African countries where levels of food insecurity, poverty and malnutrition are high. A successful example of this was in:


This service is delivered to all countries belonging to the UN system.

Cost and funding

Costs will depend on the scale and type of technical service required. UNIDO mobilizes resources to cover the costs with funding partners that include its Member States, the Global Environment Fund, the Montreal Protocol, the European Union and the private sector.

Time period

This technical service usually requires 3-6 months for internal preparation and clearance. Once cleared, technical assistance can be immediately delivered to countries.

Additional resources


Interested in this service?

To request this service, National Food Systems Convenors are invited to submit a request to the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub (the Hub). The Hub will review each request and reach out directly to the National Convenor to connect them with the service provider.

For further details, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Request this service

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For Service Providers: Join the Gateway and submit an offer of assistance.