2024 Food Systems Transformation Regional Progress Reviews

As a follow-up to UNFSS+2, to acquaint participants with the six areas of action outlined in the UN Secretary-General’s Call to Action and prepare for the UNFSS+4 in 2025, the Hub organized a series of Regional Meetings from March to April 2024. They were organized in collaboration with the UN Regional Commissions, the Regional Offices of the UN agencies supporting the Hub, and other relevant UN and regional entities. These meetings took place in the margins of the Regional Sustainable Development Fora to ground these interim regional review processes within broader SDGs processes and expose National Convenors to opportunities to network and get deeper insight into connections between SDGs and transitions.

Their multidimensional objectives aim to share progress made since the UNFSS+2 and facilitate regional knowledge exchange by identifying emerging patterns and solutions. Key takeaways identified in the meeting guide the Hub and Ecosystem of Support to the needs of the National Convenors.