Catalogue des nouvelles technologies propices à l’établissement de systèmes alimentaires durables dans la région de l’Asie des moussons
Seeding the Future for Planetary Health
UNFSS+2 Regional Preparatory Meetings Synthesis Report Now Available
The UN Food Systems Coordination Hub has released a Synthesis Report on the regional preparatory meetings held in advance of the UN Food Systems Summit+2 Stocktaking Moment, in partnership with the UN Regional Commissions, regional stakeholders and the wider UN system. This report encapsulates the outcomes and recommendations from the series of five regional meetings. These insights have been instrumental in guiding the development of the UNFSS+2 programme and roadmap. This report represents a key input for the upcoming evidence -based discussion on global efforts, successes, challenges and paths to transform our food systems.
Indonesian Academy of Food and Nutrition – Indonesian Academy of Sciences Policy Briefs on Food and Nutrition Systems
The Indonesian Academy of Food and Nutrition – Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPG - AIPI) has developed and shared six comprehensive policy briefs, addressing critical issues in the country's and global food and nutrition systems. These briefs provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving various aspects of the archipelagic country’s unique food and nutrition landscape.
Register Now for the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment
Registration is now open for the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment. We invite UN Member States to submit the registration of National Delegations via the FAO Members Gateway as soon as possible. We also invite all food systems actors worldwide to register for the virtual campus of the UNFSS+2 to join this historic event to create lasting change to transform our food systems.
Transforming food systems through science and innovation: The role of the Scientific Advisory Committee
In its inaugural meeting, the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub's Scientific Advisory Committee discusses science-driven solutions for transforming food systems.