Save the date for the 2nd UN Food Systems Summit Stocktake (UNFSS+4)

The UN Food Systems Coordination Hub is pleased to announce the second United Nations Food Systems Summit Stocktake (UNFSS+4), taking place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 27-29 July 2025. This event will build on the momentum of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit and the first Stocktake in 2023 (UNFSS+2), focusing on accelerating sustainable, inclusive, and resilient food systems transformation. Ethiopia, building on its remarkable leadership during UNFSS+2, will host the UNFSS+4 Stocktake, co-hosted by Italy, a longstanding champion of food systems transformation.
A platform for progress and accountability
With just five years remaining until the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development horizon line, the UNFSS+4 will provide an opportunity to document progress, strengthen accountability, and unlock investments for transformative action. The event will spotlight successful country-level transformations, highlight innovative practices, and address challenges faced in fragile and conflict-affected settings, and be part of broader efforts to shape a coherent global narrative on sustainable development and accelerate synergies between key SDG transitions.
Draft concept note: Shaping the path to UNFSS+4
The draft concept note outlines the objectives of the UNFSS+4, emphasizing:
- Reflecting on progress: Reflecting on achievements and identifying lessons learned, while analyzing the factors that have enabled success in various contexts. This will provide a foundation for understanding gaps and scaling transformative solutions.
- Strengthening accountability: Engaging state and non-state actors in mutual accountability mechanisms to assess commitments, track progress, and identify missing elements, fostering an inclusive environment where all stakeholders can contribute meaningfully to food systems transformation.
- Unlocking investments: Exploring opportunities for financing innovations and scaling solutions, with a focus on creating enabling environments, leveraging public-private partnerships, and mobilizing climate and development finance to support transformative actions at scale.
The Summit's preparatory process will be bottom-up, inclusive and participatory, gathering insights from national progress review discussions, regional meetings, briefings with Member States, and engagements with diverse stakeholders.
Join us in Addis Ababa
The UNFSS+4 is poised to be a landmark moment for driving collective action toward food systems transformation that benefits people, the planet, shared prosperity while pioneering the acceleration of the Sustainable Development Goals. Regular updates will be provided through Member State briefings (National Convenors and Permanent Representatives), regional engagements, global dialogues and touchpoints, and the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub website.