Call for stakeholder input for the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment

©FAO / Amos Gumulira
In preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2) in July 2023, the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub is inviting stakeholders (organizations of Youth, Indigenous Peoples, Private Sector, Women, Producers, etc.) to complete a survey capturing their journey to the UNFSS+2 and what they have been doing to implement or support food systems transformations. This survey aims to:
- Highlight the steps the organizations/stakeholder groups have taken to support the implementation of the National Pathways and other actions related to food systems transformation as follow up to the UN Food Systems Summit (FSS), including good practices;
- Identify views on the FSS follow-up including positive actions taken, persistent challenges and linkages to other global initiatives and
- Collect stakeholders’ expectations from the STM as well as their recommendations on the way forward, including their own priority actions.
The survey results will be summarized in a concise Stakeholders’ report.
We ask that each organization only send one survey reply to represent their institution.
This survey closed on 19 May 2023.