Call for Side Events: UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment

©FAO/Giuseppe Carotenuto
The UN Food Systems Coordination Hub is pleased to invite applications for side events that will be convened in situ and virtually over the three days of the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2), 24-26 July 2023 - during lunch breaks. A total of 20 slots have been allocated for in situ side events as per the programme planning. Depending on the expression of interest and space availability a few more slots might be allocated for in situ side events. Online side events will be allocated additional spots.
Each of these 60-minute side events is intended to enrich and complement the UNFSS+2 sessions by shedding light on concrete approaches, initiatives and experiences to advance sustainable food systems and the integrated Sustainable Development Goals in countries through holistic approaches that address the existing fragmentation of issues, actions and actors.
Deadline for applications: 28 April 2023. The deadline for this application has passed.
Access the Side Event Application Form Here
The side events will be carefully selected from the pool of applications that showcase national experiences scaling up food systems transformations, game-changing initiatives from actors of the ecosystem of support[1] demonstrating alignment and value added behind national and regional transformative efforts, as well as a focus on concrete results in terms of facilitating Means of Implementation, and in particular, financing sustainable food systems transformations.
Quality applications that focus on several specific thematic issues will be positively considered.
[1] In the context of the work of the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, the term “Ecosystem of Support” is used to describe a large group of entities that supported the FSS process as well as entities that emerged from the Summit. It includes both UN and non-UN entities with demonstrated added value that will provide support to countries’ efforts to implement their pathways. The Ecosystem of Support includes, but is not limited to, the Food Systems Coalitions of Action that emerged from the FSS, the Hub’s Stakeholder Engagement and Networking Advisory (SENA) Group, the Hub’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), the UN Food Systems Task Force, as well as additional initiatives, stakeholder groups, knowledge communities, food systems think-tanks and relevant entities.
The UNFSS+2 side events submissions will be reviewed and selected using the following criteria:
- Relevance: Side events must be relevant to the UNFSS+2 objectives, expressed priority country needs[1], and the status of national food systems transformation efforts.
- Integration and inclusivity: Priority will be given to applications that reflect the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit integrated and inclusive narrative.
- National level: Side events should demonstrate their relevance to the implementation of food systems transformation with a focus on national level implementation.
- Diversity of co-organisers’ sectors: Side events must demonstrate multi-stakeholder engagement with co-organisers representing different types of organizations.
- Gender and geographic diversity: Side events that demonstrate diversity through gender parity among speakers and panellists, diverse geographic representation, and sectors represented will be highly prioritized.
- Actionable follow-up: Side events should clearly demonstrate what will be the follow up actions after the end of the event.
The preparation of the UNFSS+2 side events submissions must be guided by the following conditions:
- While proposals can focus on specific thematic issues, they should demonstrate a food systems integrated and inclusive approach by examining joint linkages and effects of food systems transformation on People, Planet, Peace, and Prosperity through multi-stakeholder Partnerships.
- Side events should maximize interactivity and it is strongly encouraged that 45% of the total time be allocated for interaction with the audience. A maximum of 4-5 speakers is recommended for each side event avoiding long speeches.
- If two or more side event applications are received on a similar theme, organizers may be asked to consider merging their proposals. Such a request to merge is not obligatory but may positively increase the prospects for its selection.
- While interpretation in FAO’s official languages (English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese) is not mandatory (and entails set costs charged to the side event organizer), utilizing interpretation to maximize inclusiveness may also positively affect final selection decisions.
- Following each side event, organizers must prepare a 500-word summary regarding outcomes and key observations from the event, within four weeks of the UNFSS+2. These summaries will be posted on the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub webpage in their original languages.
Application Overview
Below is an outline of the application form summarizing the information required to complete and submit your application.
Section A: Organizational aspects and contacts
Given the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub’s approach, applications jointly submitted by teams comprising countries, organizations and stakeholder constituencies are encouraged. In this section, you will need to list a lead applicant and at least 4 co-organizers and their constituencies and provide contact details of two focal points (preferably from different organizations).
Section B: Draft Concept Note
This section consists of a draft concept note of your side event. It requires a brief description of the side event including, title, background and objectives, relevance of the side event, programme as well as the proposed follow up. Please keep the information and inputs provided succinct and focused.
Section C: Languages
Please indicate the language in which the side event will be conducted and if interpretation will be provided. Please note that if the event requires interpretation the organizer(s) will be asked to cover the cost of the service as per standard FAO rates.
All items of this form are important and for your application to be reviewed properly all sections of the form need to be filled in. Applications with missing elements will not be evaluated.
For inquiries, please contact the Hub at: [email protected] with a copy to [email protected]