Viet Nam

Incubation of innovations in partnerships and financing for agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam

SDG 2 Zero HungerSDG 5 Gender EqualitySDG 13 Climate Action


Incubation of innovations in partnerships and financing for agrifood systems transformation in Viet Nam

ContextViet Nam’s National Pathway identifies food systems transformation as a necessary enabler for food security and nutrition, placing transparency, responsibility, and sustainability at its core. The Pathway also acknowledges its interdisciplinary essence, requiring the involvement and participation of all levels of government, ministries and stakeholders.
Contribution to SDGsSDG 2 Zero Hunger, SDG 5 Gender Equality, SDG 13 Climate Action
Contribution to other SDG transitionsDigital Transformation; Climate, Biodiversity, Pollution
DurationJune 2024 – May 2025
Expected financial leverage$ 300,000
Alignment with SG Call to ActionFood systems governance; Research, data, technology and innovation; Private sector engagement; Financing
OutcomesThe JP supports structural changes in the national governance and financial structure fostering an enabling environment to advance food systems transformation, in line with the National Pathway. Strong coordination and partnerships with national and international partners are at the core of the initiative.
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Ministry of Health
  • Cooperatives and farmer groups
  • Support the establishment of the Food Systems Transformation Partnership, bringing together state and non-state actors, and ensuring participation of women representatives
  • Facilitate the establishment of a financial structure for the National Pathway, including through advocacy, consultations and analysis on existing Public-Private Partnership mechanisms and co-financing
  • Review policy frameworks across different agendas including biodiversity, climate action, food waste, and identify opportunities for strengthening the food-biodiversity-climate nexus, with a focus on gender equality.
  • Initiate the set up of a knowledge hub for information sharing

Multi-sectoral governance Integrated policy Finance