Strengthening Uganda’s capacity to enable sustainable, equitable, healthy and resilient food systems

PROJECT TITLE | Strengthening Uganda’s capacity to enable sustainable, equitable, healthy and resilient food systems |
Context | In the framework of UN Food Systems Summit, Uganda held 18 dialogues which informed the development of the National Pathway for Food Systems Transformation. Among other initiatives, the Government committed to strengthening inter-ministerial and multi-sectoral coordination, as well as creating an enabling policy environment. The National Food Systems Coordination Committee was established under the Office of the Prime Minister. It brings together government actors, UN Agencies, academia, agricultural research bodies, CSOs, and the private sector for coordinating strategies and initiatives to transform Ugandan food systems. |
Contribution to SDGs | SDG 1 No poverty, SDG 2 Zero Hunger, SDG 5 Gender Equality |
Contribution to other SDG transitions | Decent Jobs and Universal Social Protection; Transforming Education |
Duration | June 2024 – June 2025 |
Expected financial leverage | $ 500,000 |
Alignment with SG Call to Action | Policy integration; Food systems governance; Research, data, technology and innovation; Inclusive and participatory design; Private sector engagement; Financing |
Outcomes | The JP consolidates food systems governance mechanisms at both national and district levels and supports a policy environment conducive to transformative actions across food systems. The JP puts a strong focus on inclusive processes, facilitating the participation of non-state actors in food systems governance. |
Partners |
Outputs |
Multi-sectoral governance
Integrated policy