
Advancing Sustainable Food System in the United Republic of Tanzania

SDG 1 No PovertySDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals


Advancing Sustainable Food System in the United Republic of Tanzania

ContextTanzania’s National Pathway envisions that by 2030 all Tanzanians will have access to healthy diets and safe food, ending all forms of malnutrition. It identifies six specific levers for the transformation of food systems, namely: increasing agricultural productivity, increasing finance for agriculture including through private sector engagement, ensuring healthy diets and safe food for all, enhancing adaptation to climate change and biodiversity protection, fostering resilient livelihoods, focusing on cross-cutting issues, such as gender, research and development, digital solutions. With start-up funds from the UN Food Systems Coordination Hub, Tanzania reviewed the National Pathway and developed a costed action plan for its implementation.
Contribution to SDGsSDG 1 No Poverty, SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Contribution to other SDG transitionsDigital Transformation; Climate, Biodiversity, Pollution
DurationJune 2024 – May 2025
Expected financial leverage$ 3,000,000
Alignment with SG Call to ActionPolicy integration; Food systems governance; Inclusive and participatory design
OutcomesThe JP contributes to creating an enabling environment for the integration of the National Pathway into the national development agenda, fostering whole-of-government and whole-of-society approaches.
  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • District governments
  • Raise awareness on the National Pathway at national and sub-national levels among government institutions and the broader public
  • Set up a multisectoral governance body to coordinate the food systems transformation agenda, based on a mapping of existing coordination mechanisms and inclusive of government entities, CSOs, private sector, women and youth organizations
  • Support the mainstreaming of food systems in the formulation of national development policies, such as Tanzania’s Vision 2050, through multistakeholder dialogues
  • Develop guidelines targeting local governments to facilitate the formulation of district annual plans for the implementation of the National Pathway, with a strong focus on mainstreaming gender equality

Awareness raising Multistakeholder coordination Governance Policy integration Local governments