Assessing scalability of climate-resilient models for food systems transformation in Kenya: the climate-friendly home grown-school feeding programme and the Inclusive and Sustainable coffee value chain

PROJECT TITLE | Assessing scalability of climate-resilient models for food systems transformation in Kenya: the climate-friendly home grown-school feeding programme and the Inclusive and Sustainable coffee value chain |
Context | Kenya’s ambition, as articulated in its National Pathway and in line with the country’s Vision for 2030, outlines inclusive, innovative, collaborative and dynamic food systems that drive prosperity, especially for the youth. In line with this ambition, the JP assesses the feasibility and scalability of investments as leverages for transformative changes in two critical food systems dimensions: value chains and social safety nets (namely school feeding programs). |
PUNOs | UNIDO, FAO, UNCDF (coffee value chain) – WFP, FAO, IFAD (school feeding program) |
Contribution to SDGs | SDG 2 Zero Hunger, SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG 13 Climate Action, SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals |
Contribution to other SDG transitions | Decent Jobs and Universal Social Protection; Climate, Biodiversity, Pollution |
Duration | July 2024 – June 2025 |
Expected financial leverage | $ 1,680,000 |
Alignment with SG Call to Action | Policy integration; Food systems governance; Research, data, technology and innovation; Inclusive and participatory design; Private sector engagement; Financing |
Outcomes | The JP plays a key role in strengthening coffee value chains, fostering inclusivity, and promoting sustainability and resilience. It identifies strategic entry points for large-scale interventions and financial opportunities that have the potential to drive transformative change and foster the participation of women and youth in the value chain. Additionally, the JP supports the transition to sourcing locally grown, diverse, nutritious, and plant-based foods for school feeding programs, delivering significant benefits across economic, nutritional, and environmental dimensions. |
Partners |
Outputs | Coffee value chain track
School feeding programs track
Value chains
Unlocking finance
School feeding program