El Salvador

Political advocacy to promote the transformation of sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems in El Salvador

SDG 1 No PovertySDG 2 Zero HungerSDG 3 Good Health and Well-BeingSDG 5 Gender EqualitySDG 10 Reduced InequalitiesSDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals


Political advocacy to promote the transformation of sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems in El Salvador

ContextEl Salvador’s National Pathway identifies three thematic priorities for the transformation of national food systems: responsible and sustainable consumption to reduce malnutrition and non-communicable diseases; promoting sustainable, inclusive, competitive agriculture; mitigating the impacts of climate and other shocks on agriculture and livelihoods. The JP responds to the first priority area, with a strong focus on enhancing women’s agency.
Contribution to SDGsSDG 1 No Poverty ; SDG 2 Zero Hunger ; SDG 3 Good Health and Well-being ; SDG 5 Gender Equality; SDG 10 Reduced Inequality ; SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals
Contribution to other SDG transitionsDecent Jobs and Universal Social Protection; Decent Jobs and Universal Social Protection
DurationJuly 2024 – July 2025
Expected financial leverage$ 100,000
Alignment with SG Call to ActionPolicy integration; Food systems governance; Inclusive and participatory design; Private sector engagement
OutcomesThe Joint Program strengthens governance and policy frameworks for the promotion of responsible, sustainable consumption practices to improve nutritional outcomes. The JP will adopt integrated approaches to link local value chains to demand for healthy diets.
  • Ministry of Health
  • CSOs
  • Local producers and businesses
  • Facilitate inclusive dialogues to review key legal frameworks (e.g. Family Farming Law, School Feeding Law)
  • Facilitate a multisectoral platform involving civil society, local producers, youth groups and other actors to promote collaboration and coordinate actions
  • Strengthen the capacity of government officials to promote nutrition-sensitive sustainable food systems            
  • Develop a communication campaign to promote healthy diets and breastfeeding practices for improved nutrition at community level.
  • Provide cash transfers to households to promote the production of healthy and diverse food

Inclusive dialogues Awareness raising Healthy diets Nutrition