Country Assistance

Boost nature-based solutions


Type of Assistance

  • Mobilize resources including developing investment cases for financial assistance to pathways implementation
  • Analytics: assessments, analysis, data collection, evidence generation and monitoring, solution scanning and modeling. Monitoring and Evaluation support: identifying meaningful progress indicators, developing results frameworks and M&E plans

Coverage: Global

Summary of Assistance:

Rabobank’s Acorn Program:  Agroforestry Carbon Removal Unites (CRU’s) for the Organic Restoration of Nature (Acorn) is an agroforestry program that unlocks the international voluntary carbon market for smallholder farmers. Acorn’s mission is to combat climate change, land degradation and food insecurity with an inclusive agroforestry solution. To do this, Acorn has built a global, transparent and technology-enabled marketplace for carbon sequestration. This marketplace provides entry to the international carbon market for smallholder farmers who are realizing agroforestry projects for carbon sequestration.

Function 1: Promoting agroforestry

Bringing carbon finance to smallholder farmers for climate change adaptation and adopting regenerative agroforestry practice (for climate resilience, diversification of crops and income streams, increase biodiversity). 

Function 2: Measuring and selling carbon credits

Acorn helps to measure, validate, certify and monetise sequestered carbon as carbon credits, on behalf of the farmers, so that they can access carbon payments which help finance their transition to agroforestry. 

Function 3: Halting deforestation by strengthening farm livelihoods

Acorn works in tandem with landscape-level programmes that avoid deforestation and improve food security, by improving the livelihoods of the local communities. Improving farm business, productivity and climate resilience for smallholders can alleviate pressure on the surrounding forests, while contributing healthy and resilient sources of food for the whole country. 

Focal Point and Contact: Jelmer van de Mortel, [email protected]

Relevant Links & Documents: Framework I Methodology I Website


World Resource Institute (Africa)

Type of Assistance

  • Strategies and policies formulation: support the formulation or review of national food system related strategies, policies and legal frameworks. Normative guidance: e.g. development or review of guidelines and how to use them at country level
  • Mobilize resources including developing investment cases for financial assistance to pathways implementation
  • Analytics: assessments, analysis, data collection, evidence generation and monitoring, solution scanning and modelling. Monitoring and Evaluation support: identifying meaningful progress indicators, developing results frameworks and M&E plans

Coverage: African Region

Summary of Assistance:

The World Resource Institute (WRI) is a global nonprofit organization that works with leaders in government, business and civil society to research, design, and carry out practical solutions that simultaneously improve people’s lives and ensure nature can thrive. WRI  has three main workstreams:

  1. Food loss and waste
  2. Improving soil health and water security
  3. Shifting to healthier diets

The institute has developed a Standardized National Protocol to measure food loss and waste. The protocol highlights key steps to measure food loss and waste through data collection (magnitude and point of loss) by identifying critical segments of the value chain where loss happens and subsequently connecting with monitoring tools. The institute builds technical capacity, identifies the baseline and works with countries on their targeted reduction in food loss and waste. 

Focal Point and Contact: Dr. Susan Chomba, [email protected], Dr. James Wangu, [email protected]

Relevant Links & Documents: Website